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For a small business, a well-built website could mean the difference between success and failure. A company’s website is their virtual location that is accessible from all over the world. An effective website is a big deal, and well worth the investment of time and money.

Due to the nature of small business, it might not always be feasible to hire a whole team of experts to build a functional website. Often, small business owners do the work on their own. However, those who have the budget to hire professionals (visit site to know more) might notice a level of professionalism to their website that they themselves could not have brought to it. In a world where start-ups are in abundance, a newborn company would need something in their design that would make them stand out from the rest, which would be something that web developers can achieve. However, even those looking to build their own site can do a phenomenal job if they follow some tips. The first thing to understand is that research is the key to a self-made website, and the internet is the perfect host for such knowledge. Take a moment to look over this brief summary of a few of the most essential sections of a small business website.


It makes sense that a website’s homepage is the most important section of a website. The homepage is the first landing page most of the site’s traffic will see, and it will create a visitor’s first impression of the company.

An effective homepage will quickly grab user’s eyes with bold fonts and appealing color schemes. Designers have a short window of time to draw interest. It is estimated that users decide their level of interest in a site within the first three to five seconds of landing.

About Us

The “About Us” section of a website is crucial for connecting with users. Use this section to give more inside details about the company and who works for the brand. People like to feel connected to the companies with whom they do business.

Do not be afraid to show a bit of personality in this section. This is the place to write out the company’s mission statement and business philosophy. When users feel an internal connection to the services or purpose of business, they are more likely to become loyal customers.

Contact Us

Keep communication flowing both ways with an effectively designed “Contact Us” section. The public should have the ability to throw in their own input pertaining to the business. One of the best ways to open up communication is to include a contact form where users can leave their contact information and a few comments or questions.

Also, place as many forms of communication as possible on this page: fax numbers, phone numbers, email addresses, and even physical addresses for those who prefer snail mail communication.



This is the place to air out just what the company is offering to the public. Create sub-pages to organize better the bulk of the information that will fill this page. The products/services page should provide just what the name suggests; in-depth, detailed information on every product or service the company creates.

Andy McGowan
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